Tuesday, September 20, 2011

And Celestie fails at drawing the essential stuff

~Sea of Twilight~

So, yesterday my chat-RP-friend Haru offered to draw one of my OCs with her, uhm, 'partner' from the RP we are playing (Aphorism; and the partner is Hinata, just as a side-note, which makes it my OC Chiharu *points to OC Shrine xD*), then it somehow turned into an art-trade and I sat there, trying to draw Tobari and Izuru (the potential partners for her OC in our RP)...and failed epically.
Also, the prompt was WEDDING. ...so I googled wedding dresses and tuxedos. I also failed spectacularly with the tuxedos, the dress is...meh.
I first sketched it on a paper. And left the hands vague on purpose because I also forever fail at hands. That's why, now that I inked it digitally teh hands are....interesting.

Oh. And I like the rose in Izuru's breast pocket xD I didn't have internet at my PC where I have my PT SAI and my graphic tablet, so I used my phone's WLAN to find some rose tutorial. Didn't reallyfind any, but luckily the tip I found was helpful enoughto make...a crappy rose, but I am pretty proud xDDD

...though I also fail epically at draing my friend's OC. It would look more like her (everyone would look more like them) if I colored it but like hell I will color it now, it hates me, Izuru hates me; ahhhhhhhhhhhhh TAT

But-but...I need to draw bishie males much, much more. Bishies and poses and hands. Bleeeeeeh, I can't draw the essential stuff. *sobs*

Thursday, September 15, 2011

And my WIPs REALLY remain WIPs

~Sea of Twilight~

 Remember my other OC-coloring shot? Never finished that. Or the StaSky Bromance fanart I wanted to do? Never finished that, either. o_O Instead...SEE WHAT I STARTED 8D

I think I am better at soft-shading. Though that also leaves much to be desired, it doesn't frustrate em as much as cel-shading does currently. Urrrgh. I wish I had talent. People tell me I have talent but that ain't true. I copied and learned, then self-taught and learned, copied and learned...I have no talent. That's all learning through a slowl, long process. I am just slightly more artistic than some others but definitely not talented. I ain't talented in ANYTHING. I am good in some stuff (and worse at many others) but never talented. *sobs* I am a sad existence.

Err, okay, enough of wallowing in self-pity, I do that often enough already 8D See my mangled try of cel-shading. It's...the worst thing ever. After my many other bad attempts of coloring. Oh hell, I am so untalented...

At least...it didn't look bad until I began with the outer uniform jacket and the hair. Then it went downhill. D: Oh and yes, the uniform is my OC's personal version of Aphorism's summer uniform. Meaning the design technically isn't mine, only the modification to fit my OC's taste is mine. The rest belongs to Kujo Karuna 8D Maybe if someone shows me who to cel-shade and make it look good and if my try to do the same succeeds, I will redo this piece.

Oh well. I can't wait for university to start~

...and maybe I should switch to another image-hosting page, Photobucket always resizes my images and then they are so damn small D: Oh well. For now it shall suffice. The fact that my inspiration/motivation to draw and color hasn't totally diminished means my inspiration for writing will come back soon as well. I can see it already, both will return full-force when I will have no time whatsoever...xD

Friday, September 9, 2011

Confusion, lack of motivation and joy

~Sea of Twilight~

Confusion? Aaaall Mawaru Penguindrum's fault. I picked up that series. Yes. A while ago (in return I kinda dropped No.6 after the 6th episode or something) and damn, I am hooked, and confused. This series is a total mindscrew. I even started watching Utena to draw parallels, though I couldn't pbring myself to watch past episode 15 right now. In teh meanwhile MP is getting more and more confusing TAT

Oh. AND WHO THE FUCK IS THAT PINK HAIRED BISHIE DUDE?! I am getting some weird vibes from him. Fuuuu...

Lack of motivation. I haven't written anything lately (other than pieces on paper that are useless because I write that to free my clogged mind) and drawing...well, i did draw something but I am stuck on base-coloring. Hopefully, when I cel-shade, it won't take too long and won't eat away my tiny shred of motivation I have for that....

Joy. Yeah. Because I am playing Shikkoku no Sharnoth via English patch and it's a beautiful game, full stop~ The art is beautiful, the voice actors do a great job, the minigame is intense, the music is beautiful, the narration pretty awesome, even if it's sometimes rather repetitive, but that's probably just another means of the game~

I just fail at the minigame, especially at the second stage of each chapter. I think I won't get anymore concept arts as bonus for a while...D: So what, I fail at minigames in general... and it's hard to lure the small fry-monsters into traps when the big bad guy is following you around, and if he catches up with you, you get an instant game over and you only have a certain amount of movements you can do D:

Another thing...you know, it's funny. I was at a tribute celebration of several archievements of sports and political groups around my area and my little sister was part of a rather successful chess team (female) and got invited to get a medal and stuff, I came along and was super-bored. So at first I wrote stuff. Then I drew stuff (with a ballpoint pen and when I dawa with a ballpoint pen, it usually looks crappy) and a girl sitting in front of me was so damn fascinated by it...and another girl noticed it as well. Both girls were part of my sister's chess team...xD And one of the girls, the second one and the one who's only a year younger than me and I, we started talking soooo much afterwards. I found a new friend 8D ...the funny thing is, in teh same fashion I got my best friend's attention when she first came into my class. 8D

Okay, end random post. xD I should focus on filling in more papers for university stuff xD

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Currently searching for her motivation...

~Sea of Twilight~

I might have some form of writer's block. And no motivation to draw and color. It's ooodd, whenever I sit at the computer in my room, trying to write or to draw I feel restless and don't feel any motivation/inspiration/muse. MUSE, WHERE ARE YOU?! I have still a Natsume Yuujinchou story to finish, and my Starry Sky RI is still being written, my Fire Emblem RI could be continued, too, my Starry Sky fanarts and my OC profile images....*fails*

Oh, but Corpse Party will be translated into English. That made my day. And probably my resolve to buy a PSP once I have a job this year.

Monday, September 5, 2011

University; one step closer~

~Sea of Twilight~

...or something. WELL, ANYWAY, today I was at the university...just to get my Student ID, not because university started. But, hey, now I can prove I am a university student xD Ad maybe also get a job already, the big cities do offer a lot, and now with the student ID I dun have to pay for tickets anymore. WHAT A BIG RELIEF *A*

So, yeah, one more month to laze around...or actually earn money until university starts. Can you tell I am excited? I can't wait until I can form some Japanese phrases and surprise my Japanese host families in a message or something 8D Or our Japanese interpreter Tomo. I miss them all SO GODDAMN MUCH TAT.

...oh yes, random post is random 8D

Thursday, September 1, 2011


~Sea of Twilight~

 Soooo, today a new month started. Today package arrived. My first BIG purchase of yesAsia arrived.
  • Prince Animage summer 2011
So the only reason I bought this was because it has Starry Sky on its cover, the cover image as poster, and Ao no Exorcist and Natsume Yuujinchou poster *A* The bad thing? AnE and Natsume are on Side A/B of each other. SUUUUCKS. Couldn't they have put one of them on the Inazuma Eleven or Sengoku Basara posters? D: Oh, and I got this...Iunno how to call it, drawing pad? Of Inazuma Eleven. In the Prince Animage of last year (yeah, when I bought it in Japan/Tokyo xDDDD) I had one of DRRR!!...OH WELL. COLLECTIBLES ARE STILL AWESEOME~

And it has some kinda...master-slave-ish BL-poster. Nya, sicne I dun like the suggestive theme (it's kinda semi-bloody, too), I give it to my friend,who has friends who liek that. And she writes RPs about that with her friends, so I am sure she can use it more than I can. Unless I will fall for Sengoku Basara sometime soon, the other side has the eyepatch brunette and th silver head. *shrugs*

So, it has some pages filled with Starry Sky, some Tiger&Bunny stuff, some Ao no Exorcist, ....and so on and so forth 8D *skips to the next magazine*

  • Dengeki Girl's Style September 2011
Seriously, if I continue like this, I can just subscribe the magazine already... Okay, only three magazines of the Dengeki GS so far and one was bought last summer in Tokyo out of pure curiosity and posters (I am totally collecting posters, can you tell?)...but I just bought June/July's and August/September's issue. And I wanna play the game that's on the cover (dunno its name, though; wait...*opens DGS* La storia della Arcana Famiglia); I remember it being mentioned in last year's August/September issue as well, and hey, it has badass suits-clad people, mafia, owls (or I think there was an owl somewhere, can't find it now) and teh heroine looks badass, too 8D

This issue features posters of that game (La storia della Arcana Famiglia), on the other side some Hakuoki; then another poster with the first who characters of the upcoming Drama CD (and game, too, if I am not wrong) of Brother's Conflict, the other side having the bishies of Storm Lover. And the third poster has, on one side, Tears of the Polestar Vol.1 cover and the other side has Tears of the Polestar Vol.2 Cover 8D.

And It has some Hakuoki special in form of a 'secret book' ....hm. *throws it ito another corner 8D*

...and I really either need an iPad or an iPod touch, whatever is better for the Soine-app of Starry Sky. Can't they make an android version of that, one that works for my phone? D8 (And can't Iku take off the glasses in bed? I don't mind them but sometimes...I want them off~)

  • Starry Sky ~After Autumn~ (Limited Edition)
Ahahaha, so, yeah, I bought the limited edition because my friend told me it has a postcard book. I HAD TO GET THAT *A* And I will most likely not play the game at all for anytime soon because of my lack of Japanese knowledge. University doesn't start in another month and even if, I doubt I will learn enought Japanese after the first few days, anyway. Yes, I am kinda crazy~

And hey, if they plan to make a remake of Persona 4; can they make one like with P3, with a female protagonist? Pretty please? Then I'd even be willing to buy a PSV, even if it's REALLY EXPENSIVE D:

...I should answer the messages I am supposed to answer now....*goes*

(...oh yes...Iku, what's with you and cats? That makes you infinitively more adorable, even if you try to act all ladykiller-ish♥)
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