~Sea of Twilight~
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, hime-chan♥ Sorry, I have to split up this review because I still haven't finished the Alternative Ending of chapter 5. I will add the second part during this week or so, for now I am pretty sure you'd have enough to read now xD
Aiya, so I am doing something akin to a review/summary/ranting thingie about Corpse Party for my husbando hime-chan~~ (And why is this no proper review? Because I put my own thoughts and judgments into every part already, not just the conclusion/whatever.)
Also, this is a game that uses the Dummy Head Mic technique, I think. Meaning that you should use headphones to get maximum effect of the sound effects. IT IS CREEPY BUT REALLY, DUMMY HEAD MIC IS LOVE!
First and foremost, the premise of this PSP horror game:
After the cultural festival and a few horror stories told, a group of teenagers perform a Sachiko Ever After charm to make sure they will be friends forever. …instead they are subsequently trapped in a school that should no longer exist: Tenjin Shougakkou (or Heavenly Host Elementary School if you go for the USA release). There the group is split up and they each have to survive a bloody, creepy set of adventure that will test their nerves and their friendship. It is said they will never be able to leave this school since many before them have not managed to do so, either. Besides, why does such a cursed place exist?
Let's start with the main characters:
Mochida Satoshi
Mochida Yuka
Sweet cute little Yuka is Satoshi's younger sister. She is really cute, be careful not to get cavity. No, really, she is cute. Except…sometimes really annoying. Especially when you realize she is 14 and acts like 6. AND is terribly in love with her onii-chan. (Which really I wouldn't mind if she didn't act like a tiny 6 years old!)
Nakashima Naomi
Shinohara Seiko
Shinozaki Ayumi
Class representative and avid horror stories and occult lover – while really being a scared cat. She is also the one with the highest spiritual awareness which makes her quite valuable in warnings like not doing this and that…but also making her prone to being possessed. She likes to tease Satoshi – a sign of her affection to him. Yes, she is also in love with our hero. I am not sure why but I like Ayumi the most. She is a scared cat, can be bitchy and yandere at some point, can be stupid and inconsiderate, but she is no boring character and has character development and…well, I like her.
Kishinuma Yoshiki
Suzumoto Mayu
Morishige Sakutarou
Somewhat of a generic guy at first, he is a megane who absolutely cannot see without his glasses (as one epic extra chapter revealed) and gets mostly little screen time. Revealed to have some actor skills but never really exploring them because he isn't popular. Later you get to see that he is rather creepy (the manga is much better at showing it, though), or is at least kind of disturbing, needing the suffering of others to keep himself sane (in form of passively taking pictures of the corpses). That and Mayu's presence was what kept him mentally stable all this time. He does not take it well when he finds out Mayu died. Also, his seiyuu is Kakihara Tetsuya, who is originally from Germany 8D
Shishido Yui
The teacher of the class, a young woman who is damn awesome! (Not to mention she has awesome Sawashiro Miyuki as seiyuu~) Cat-lover, single (I felt the need to mention this because it was topic in one extra chapter xD) and very brave. Let's just say when a ghost is pressing a shelf with blades down on your back asking you to beg for your life and she instead dares the ghost to hurt her students…yes. Yes, she is a fine teacher.
The prologue starts with the group minus Yuka and Shishido gathered around candles in the classroom, horror stories and then a creepy authentic imitation of the horror story just told, courtesy to Shishido, who wanted to give them a good scare. Yuka joins to bring her brother an umbrella because it is storming outside like mad and the group wants to finish cleaning up the classroom. Because it is Mayu's last day, Ayumi gets the brilliant idea to perform the Sachiko Ever After that would fail if you don't chant the spell correctly. And after they chant the spell, an earthquake hits them, the ground opens up and they fall to their demise.