Sunday, June 12, 2011


I...seriously cannot remember making this blog. At all. Four years. It has been almost four sears. And it was even back then when I was on Quizilla, I believe. With Ari-cham, Haru-chan and a bunch of others. Wha-at?!

I...can't believe I forgot about it. I SERIOUSLY FORGOT ABOUT IT D: And I need another layout, I think. While I still love DGM, it isn't easy to look at, teh layout I mean.

On a side note, I am in a serious crisis right now because my computers (two, the one with internet and the one without, and my external hard drive storage D: ) are having viruses and I need to save all my files somehow. They are files like music, scanlations, my images, saved images, Japanese games that I someday wanna play....AHHHHHHHHHHH. Damnit D:

And nevermind my typos. Never concern yourself with them, okay?

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