Friday, July 29, 2011

Tears of The Polestar update~

~Sea of Twilight~

 Well, actually it's an update because today the first CDs are released. The first volume is out and Kazuaki yet again made another awesome header for that homepage *A*

Mmm, they all look delicious *A* Shiki has a nice ass? The way Homare feeds Shiki and the way Iku leans over Kotarou could almost be yaoi shiptease. Almost.

I want. That CD. Pretty please *A* Gotta buy it whev I have time and hope for online downloads until I have the money to buy it xD (that and until I understand Japanese.) Oh, and I guess for a short period of time (a week probably?) you get this image as wallpaper:

Computer coloring yay?

~Sea of Twilight~

 H. Yuki Arisu. Yes, the one I made a character sheet about in that other page of my Blog :3

 Ahahaha, this was supposed to be a quick coloring but ended up trying various coloring techniques and it took longer. But I quite like the outcome. Isn't perfect yet, but...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Dengeki Girl's Style stuff and...some more.

~Sea of Twilight~

The hell, why did I write Dengeki Daisy as title before? I don't even read that manga. Some things ahead, I downloaded a free app (for android) with which you can start learning Japanese. So I started this app and stopped at the first set of hiragana I should practise and ...see how far I got with practising...;_;

...exactly. If I continue like this, I will NEVER learn how to read and write hiragana and katakana, not to mention what happens when in university I'll have to add kanji to the workload. And I gotta betatest, draw fanart and write a Reader Insert for fic trade on Luna. Will be a busy time now...

ANYWAY, my wonderful Dengeki Girl's Style July arrives last week, and I though I make some photos to show off, actualyl only about the Starry Sky section that I lurv so much :3

Cover's image is also the little poster that came with this issue *A* TSUBASA~ (my zodiac sign)...and I am warming up to Yoh and Azusa, so definitely eyecandy here~

 And-and look at that! It's Iku, Kotarou and Koharu with Hoshizuki-senior in thier mansion, I presume? Holy fuck, they seem to be very well off~ Kazuaki's art is as pretyt as ever, if not better *A*

So and the official art for Tear of The Polestar that is up on its official site for a while now. Look at how awesome everyone looks. Especially Kotarou, Naoshi and...okay, actually everyone looks badass~ I am so looking forward to the CDs (that they amusingly call Film Festival editions xD).

Ohh, and these articles are about DRRR!!'s  upcoming second version of the PSP game. And look at Shizuo. And that tiger. It looks...great~ And Mikado is ADORABLE. I do love his badass stoic, cold side, too, though.

And lastly. LOOK AT THOSE GUYS IN BED. SO CUTE AND SO HAWT and damnit, the art is beautiful as always~ 

The bad thing (for me anyways)? It's only for iPad/iPod/iPhone. I DEMAND ANDROID VERSIONS, DAMIT! I am willing to pay 250yen for each and every guy but make an android version for my wonderful Xperia x8 PLEEEASE. I feel discriminated with how little apps there exist for ANDROID. *sigh*

Monday, July 18, 2011

Celestie is sick - and received her Dengeki GS July~

~Sea of Twilight~

 Oh god, I feel like shit right now. Ever since yesterday evening I have been feeling like shit, so... It's probably because from Saturday night to Sunday morning I was out partying and from the clubs to the car it was a five minutes walk through the rain....and afterwards I didn't sleep and by the end of Sunday, after the Women's World Cup I was weak, tired, cold and my entire body was hurting.

So at 3am I woke up having ague/shiver/chills or however you call that in English. Taking painkiller pills, I went to sleep and woke up with fever, aching body, horrible heachache and generally the horrible feeling of being sick. ...the fever is down now but the headcahe remains, occassionalyl I feel nauseating and almost constantly feel izzy and weak...argh, I hate being sick ;_;

But then it made my day - my copy of Dengeki Girl's Style July 2011 I ordered from JBox just arrived! I am sad that there is only one small poster of Starry Sky, but that's okay, because there are so many pages featuring StaSky~ I can't wait until I actually read and understand what they are writing there...!

Also, all those awesome otome games. I need to play them all ocne I get the chance to understand them!

Okay, that done, i think I need to sleep now. let's hope I feel better by tomorrow... ;_;

And They Won

~Sea of Twilight~

 ...of course the had to win or Germany would have hold a grudge against Japan for beating them and not becoming World Cup winners xD

I am really happy, now I gotta continue the letter to my host family to gush about this *A* IMA SO PROUD OF THEM. ...they are the sole reason aside from Germany's team, why I watched some of the matches.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


~Sea of Twilight~

 ...gods, I am shocked. You know, I frequent, a wonderful site to share Reader-Inserts (my prefered kind of stories and literatures), and I made some wonderful friends there!

Amongst them is a girl, she is kinda an IRON WOOBIE from what I have gathered. Being hit by her rather abusive dad for her sickly mom (I really don't know the exact circumstances but...I don't want to ask, I really don't want to, it's enough I know this much), her sister she loves overseas to study medicine and psychology amongst others, I think, she still seems to be an incredibly strong, kind, funny and talented writer.

She loves KHR! and she loves drama, gore, twisted love...she writes it really well, very detailed, very well-characterized...she really is an awesome authoress.

And one has to think her real life is grim enough with an easily agitated father but now life screws her over (I hate life right now, how can you?!) again. Hello?! Damnit, I almost teared up when I read her message to all readers. She was tearing up herself so much...! So her sister was unfortunate to tend to a patient who totally lost it and hurt her badly and what the hell the guards didn't help her because they were afraid, those idiots?! and now she is in ICU (sadly, I had to look up this abbreviation...). I so pray, pray badly for her sister, she is someone very important to that girl, and it wouldn't be fair if she lost her, right?

Rii-chan, never give up hope! We from Lunaescence, your friends, will pray for you and your sister!

Anime watching weekly schedule...thing.

~Sea of Twilight~

Sunday: Ao no Exorcist
Monday: Natsume Yuujincho San
Tuesday: Steins;Gate
Wednesday: --
Thursday: No. 6
Friday: --
Saturday: Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 1000%

Wow, this is the busiest schedule I've ever had to watch anime weekly. Usually I don't have more than three anime to watch and usually they pile up around the weekend. And aside from Steins;Gate and Ao, everything else is pretty, once those two are done, I am back to three anime. Sad thing.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

About football, Cologne and Bubble tea...

~Sea of Twilight~

 ...or something. My time in Cologne wil be over this weekend. I think I earned enough to cover the hole I have created by buying Dengeki Girl's Style July from Japan via JBox and Aphorism 1-6 from Singapore thanks to Haru-chan, but nothing much more, so no PSP or anything else for a while...

Because I sent a physical letter (yes, they still do exist) to Haru-chan and bough a stack of envelops, I now...still have a stack of envelops. I guess I'll use them to send physical letters with some photographs to my two host families in Japan, one of which I don't have any online contact forms anyway and from which I haven't heard of even after the entire Japan disaster...I hope their address hasn't changed...xD

AND JAPAN WON AGAINST SWEDEN! After they kicked Germany out, I really want them to win against America (it will be difficult but who knows what could happen?), both because that would lift Germany's disappointed spirit a bit to have been losing against the world cup winner and because I am biased, anyway xD And while I understand most of the German female players, some of them who will refuse to watch the finals are a little bit childish...I hope they will get over it :3

And...I think I like Bubble Tea. That thing from China and the Eastern Asian...

It's pretty yummy. Too bad it's barely spread in Germany. I didn't even know of this until my cousin showed it to me when I arrived in Cologne last week.

Sooo........gotta shower now and hope I won't get another skin allergy now...;_;

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Women football/soccer World Cup

~Sea of Twilight~

...uh, no, I am totally not into football/soccer, but since it was the Germany- VS Japan match jsut a while ago...

Earlier I was all for Japan pwning Germany. And tehy did, barely, but they did. Germany is kicked out of the World Cup fight...wait...that actually makes me sad. Our poor girls... ;_; So now I really want Japan to win the World Cup, or else I think our German team woudl be very sad and frustrated, too...

GO JAPAN, GO! (If I had my tablet here right now, I'd have drawn some chibified version of Nyo!Germany and especially Nyo!Japan now ;_; )

Saturday, July 9, 2011


~Sea of Twilight~

 Steins;Gate, anyone? Although it isn't an otome game, it seems pretty awesome with mystery and the kind of sci-fi I can live with. It has a pretty nice tsundere-character (Kurisu xD), a very interesting main character (with an awesome voice actor by the way), and very interesting characters in general (Ruka, oh Ruka~).

I started watching the anime and seriously would want to play the game....;_;

On another side-note. There are quite some visual novel otome games that will be, apparently, translated into English soon. While I am happy, somehow that makes my ambition to learn Japanese to play those games almost futile. Almost, I say, because I still want to. YES, I WILL LEARN JAPANESE AND PLAY MOAR GAMES!

Oh...and now I am in Cologne. No, I usually not from that place, I live further south in Germany, but now I am helping out for a week at my relatives' restaurant. Hm. But strangely while I am in a big city like Cologne fro a few days already, I never have felt the desire to explore its many shops yet. I just am not a shopping person, I guess. Unless it's Animate or something similar. But There is no Aminate-esque shop here...TAT (YEAH I AM SUCH AN OTAKU SO WHAT?).

Celestie logging off~ Gotta shower and sleep now...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Cute young Allen, OH GOD CUTE YOUNG ALLEN [DGM 206]

~Sea of Twilight~
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