Thursday, July 14, 2011


~Sea of Twilight~

 ...gods, I am shocked. You know, I frequent, a wonderful site to share Reader-Inserts (my prefered kind of stories and literatures), and I made some wonderful friends there!

Amongst them is a girl, she is kinda an IRON WOOBIE from what I have gathered. Being hit by her rather abusive dad for her sickly mom (I really don't know the exact circumstances but...I don't want to ask, I really don't want to, it's enough I know this much), her sister she loves overseas to study medicine and psychology amongst others, I think, she still seems to be an incredibly strong, kind, funny and talented writer.

She loves KHR! and she loves drama, gore, twisted love...she writes it really well, very detailed, very well-characterized...she really is an awesome authoress.

And one has to think her real life is grim enough with an easily agitated father but now life screws her over (I hate life right now, how can you?!) again. Hello?! Damnit, I almost teared up when I read her message to all readers. She was tearing up herself so much...! So her sister was unfortunate to tend to a patient who totally lost it and hurt her badly and what the hell the guards didn't help her because they were afraid, those idiots?! and now she is in ICU (sadly, I had to look up this abbreviation...). I so pray, pray badly for her sister, she is someone very important to that girl, and it wouldn't be fair if she lost her, right?

Rii-chan, never give up hope! We from Lunaescence, your friends, will pray for you and your sister!

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