~Sea of Twilight~
UWAAAH. This is complicated, so many new things to look at and to take care off and I am not even in university to study yet. Nope, just applying and getting a letter that I am enroled, just, they need tons of stuff from me now to prepare @_@ Can you tell I am kinda confused? On the other hand I am looking forward to study Japanese Studies. Just, I am a tad bit afraid my parents are right and I won't find a job with that afterwards, but that's something I will worry when it's time...I hope.
Oh, and I have a feeling my WIP arts are always remaining WIPs, seeig how I never finish them beyond basecoloring...and then start a new one and...
Ahaha, yeah, my OCs, drawing them so they have profile images on my OC Shrine page 8D
Oh, OHH, and apparently today's Haruki Naoshi-sensei's birthday~ I never bother to remember their birthdays, genius me. And of course Honeybee provides us some wallpaper.
Too bad they cut off the lion, I find him terribly fluffy and cuddly *A* And Naoshi is very funny in the Drama CDs~
Talking about Starry Sky, I was listening to some of the Starry Sky Drama CDs while drawing/coloring the last few evenings. Not the Seiza Kareshi or Seiza Danna series, but the regular one where almost all of them interact with each other~ I...kind of made summaries of that. As much as you can make a summary on Drama CDs when you don't understand Japanese yet xD
It finishes off with Kazuki accidentally (I think it was accidentally) self-destructing that robot and the parachute he was having (as Tsubasa told him to use it when something like this happens xD) didn't work. Cue to a very wrecked, traumatised Kazuki returning to where everyone was gathering to drink Homare's yummy tea. (Good thing he recovered after wailing around, poor him xD) Again I skipped the romantic endings. But I must say, I enjoyed this a lot, even if I barely understood anything, the fact that a lot happened helped in understanding the bit I understood *A*
Starry Sky 13 Constellation (with all of the guys) ...haven't finished it yet, just only the first CD of two (and I know I will skip the romantic endings again, and that's mostly the second CD xD), I just know that the listener got the idea of a reunion for around Christmas, I think, and the guys start to contact one another (starting from Ryunosuke, Homare, Suzuya and the listener, who are there together to start the chain of contacts). So the listener contacts Kotarou, who tells Iku and Naoshi, while Yoh also calls the listener at some point and her and Suzuya tell him to contact Shiki and Azusa...err, I forgot the other chains, but I found it terribly amusing how Azusa tries to call Tsubasa, who doesn't pick up since he is sleeping, then Azusa does SOMETHING (I really dunno what) and you can hear Tsubasa yelling and cursing in the background and Azusa calls him again, when Tsubasa finally picks up. OH GOD I LOVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP, I REALLY DO *A* (In similar fashion Naoshi and Iku's relationship is also amusing *A*)
Or something, there are two more tracks until the romantic ending tracks of each guy come, but they are titled as "Broken Heart", so maybe I might give one a try to find out what goes on. then again, if I remember correctly, the tracks before those are already titled with something "Tears", so there must be something going wrong in that reunion or at least something slightly dramatic? TONIGHT I'LL COLOR AGAIN, SO I'LL LISTEN xD
Starry Sky Film Festival Tears of The Polestar vol.1 stars the guys...and Kotarou's dad 8D When I first heard an unknown seiyuu talk, I suspected him, but we only find out two tracks or so later, where he enters the office, Iku recognizes him but denies being related to him when asked, then Kotarou in his usual deadpan, annoyed fashion saying it's his oyaji (which I has to ask what that means and luckily a friend of mine told me it's the rude form of calling your dad 'old man' xD); though it was almost obvious, he calls Kotarou "Kotarou-chan" and his sister "Koharu-chan" and "musuko" (daughter; I dunno what son means, I am sure he said that, too xD; and yes, Vocaloid teaches you new words *looks at Daughter of Evil* ...wait, no, musuko means SON...so he was refering to Kotarou all this time XD).
So, I think it's the upcoming cultural festival or something, Hoshizuki-oyaji gets the idea of a play and starts discussing with the guys while the guys missing are being called/summoned (Tsubasa sends a "pattsun"-robot after Azusa...). Err...what else...
So the last track of CD1 is the 13 guys talking about something (have no idea what TAT aside from the titular Tears of The Polestar) and the awesome title music of this drama CD series....I LOVE IT, I WANNA HAVE THE SINGLE *A*
And the second CD is about the thirteen guys gathering to build the group ZODIAC. Kazuki goes to Kotarou and says what's up and that he wants to build up the group (again? I am not sure, they talk about "nakama" and know most but not all of the guys they are trying to gather here), then Kotaru and Kazuki each go to recruit the other guys (all of 'em get codenames, of course 8D). The one where Kotarou recruits Azusa is amusing. They are somewhere where Azusa suddenly starts the alarm of that place and escapes, telling Kotarou to have fun escaping. And they often seem to frequent a certain cafe...Suzuya's cafe 8D
The CD has quite a bit of action, IT'S SO COOL, that's why I love it. Since mostly, in Starry Sky, nothing much happens and while I love the characters and art and seiyuu cast, the plot usually is boring, if it isn't amusing like in Bitter Season. SO I TOTALLY LOVE TotP♥
BUT HE IS THE MOST INTERESTING. And his voice is so pretty and smooth...a little bit like Yusa Kouji's voice but not quite. I LOVE it when he sings *A* And admit it, he looks hot when angry *drools*
[/end spam] I should be doing other stuff than this loooong post o_O
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