~Sea of Twilight~
Soooo, today a new month started. Today package arrived. My first BIG purchase of yesAsia arrived.
- Prince Animage summer 2011
So the only reason I bought this was because it has Starry Sky on its cover, the cover image as poster, and Ao no Exorcist and Natsume Yuujinchou poster *A* The bad thing? AnE and Natsume are on Side A/B of each other. SUUUUCKS. Couldn't they have put one of them on the Inazuma Eleven or Sengoku Basara posters? D: Oh, and I got this...Iunno how to call it, drawing pad? Of Inazuma Eleven. In the Prince Animage of last year (yeah, when I bought it in Japan/Tokyo xDDDD) I had one of DRRR!!...OH WELL. COLLECTIBLES ARE STILL AWESEOME~

And it has some kinda...master-slave-ish BL-poster. Nya, sicne I dun like the suggestive theme (it's kinda semi-bloody, too), I give it to my friend,who has friends who liek that. And she writes RPs about that with her friends, so I am sure she can use it more than I can. Unless I will fall for Sengoku Basara sometime soon, the other side has the eyepatch brunette and th silver head. *shrugs*
So, it has some pages filled with Starry Sky, some Tiger&Bunny stuff, some Ao no Exorcist, ....and so on and so forth 8D *skips to the next magazine*
- Dengeki Girl's Style September 2011

Seriously, if I continue like this, I can just subscribe the magazine already... Okay, only three magazines of the Dengeki GS so far and one was bought last summer in Tokyo out of pure curiosity and posters (I am totally collecting posters, can you tell?)...but I just bought June/July's and August/September's issue. And I wanna play the game that's on the cover (dunno its name, though; wait...*opens DGS*
La storia della Arcana Famiglia); I remember it being mentioned in last year's August/September issue as well, and hey, it has badass suits-clad people, mafia, owls (or I think there was an owl somewhere, can't find it now) and teh heroine looks badass, too 8D
This issue features posters of that game (La storia della Arcana Famiglia), on the other side some Hakuoki; then another poster with the first who characters of the upcoming Drama CD (and game, too, if I am not wrong) of Brother's Conflict, the other side having the bishies of Storm Lover. And the third poster has, on one side, Tears of the Polestar Vol.1 cover and the other side has Tears of the Polestar Vol.2 Cover 8D.
And It has some Hakuoki special in form of a 'secret book' ....hm. *throws it ito another corner 8D*
...and I really either need an iPad or an iPod touch, whatever is better for the Soine-app of Starry Sky. Can't they make an android version of that, one that works for my phone? D8 (And can't Iku take off the glasses in bed? I don't mind them but sometimes...I want them off~)
- Starry Sky ~After Autumn~ (Limited Edition)
Ahahaha, so, yeah, I bought the limited edition because my friend told me it has a postcard book. I HAD TO GET THAT *A* And I will most likely not play the game at all for anytime soon because of my lack of Japanese knowledge. University doesn't start in another month and even if, I doubt I will learn enought Japanese after the first few days, anyway. Yes, I am kinda crazy~
And hey, if they plan to make a remake of Persona 4; can they make one like with P3, with a female protagonist? Pretty please? Then I'd even be willing to buy a PSV, even if it's REALLY EXPENSIVE D:
...I should answer the messages I am supposed to answer now....*goes*
(...oh yes...Iku, what's with you and cats? That makes you infinitively more adorable, even if you try to act all ladykiller-ish♥)