~Sea of Twilight~
Confusion? Aaaall Mawaru Penguindrum's fault. I picked up that series. Yes. A while ago (in return I kinda dropped No.6 after the 6th episode or something) and damn, I am hooked, and confused. This series is a total mindscrew. I even started watching Utena to draw parallels, though I couldn't pbring myself to watch past episode 15 right now. In teh meanwhile MP is getting more and more confusing TAT
Oh. AND WHO THE FUCK IS THAT PINK HAIRED BISHIE DUDE?! I am getting some weird vibes from him. Fuuuu...
Lack of motivation. I haven't written anything lately (other than pieces on paper that are useless because I write that to free my clogged mind) and drawing...well, i did draw something but I am stuck on base-coloring. Hopefully, when I cel-shade, it won't take too long and won't eat away my tiny shred of motivation I have for that....
I just fail at the minigame, especially at the second stage of each chapter. I think I won't get anymore concept arts as bonus for a while...D: So what, I fail at minigames in general... and it's hard to lure the small fry-monsters into traps when the big bad guy is following you around, and if he catches up with you, you get an instant game over and you only have a certain amount of movements you can do D:
Another thing...you know, it's funny. I was at a tribute celebration of several archievements of sports and political groups around my area and my little sister was part of a rather successful chess team (female) and got invited to get a medal and stuff, I came along and was super-bored. So at first I wrote stuff. Then I drew stuff (with a ballpoint pen and when I dawa with a ballpoint pen, it usually looks crappy) and a girl sitting in front of me was so damn fascinated by it...and another girl noticed it as well. Both girls were part of my sister's chess team...xD And one of the girls, the second one and the one who's only a year younger than me and I, we started talking soooo much afterwards. I found a new friend 8D ...the funny thing is, in teh same fashion I got my best friend's attention when she first came into my class. 8D
Okay, end random post. xD I should focus on filling in more papers for university stuff xD
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