Thursday, February 9, 2012

Purchase list Feburary 2012

~Sea of Twilight~

...or what I have ordered so far now that my paycheck has arrived xD

  • Natsume Yuujinchou 1-3 DVD from Malaysia
  • Mawaru Penguindrum DVD from Malaysia
  • PSP sticker (Suzuya/Cancer Starry Sky) from Ian-san from tumblr
  • Starry Sky Phone Straps Suzuya/Cancer and Iku/Gemini from LJ sale post with new Kazuaki art ASDFGHJKL
  • Plan to order Dengeki GS this month, too~
  • And the seiyuu clock, yay~
What we preordered together are normal UtaPri rubber straps and Debut UtaPri rubber straps. And can't wait for our Hakuoki PSP copies to arrive in a week or two, depends on how long they ship from the US to good ol' Europe xD

And tumblr says Arcana Famiglia gets an Anime this summer? WHAAAAAA-- Crossing my fingers that it is true!!!!

Hm, what else...oh, gotta start my Corpse Party summary tomorrow after I clean up my room and RP a bit with my overseas friends (yes, I am looking at you, Eden, Ari 8D). And, uh. Reading KHR!Illusionist/Reader smut from lovely Rii-chan now <3

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