Original Character Shrine

...using links to TVTropes tropes because those are awesome for characterization, I swear!

Anyway, welcome to my Original Character Shrine that is more for my personal pleasure than anything else...I always wanted to do this. Writing down my OCs somewhere. My OCs generally exist in my head only, occassionally used for RPing, some are created for RPs by scratch and most of them are used as model (character-wise) for my Reader-Insert stories.

Some things ahead: Some characters have no canon history/back story because I haven't decided on them yet or something. Most of them have a Meta-Version of themselves in a Meta-World like my Head/Fantasy World, in which they are some supernatural being (demon, angel, witch, something), which they would be not in the series they were created for.

Profile images will be added when I get back my computer where I can use my wacom tablet *A*


Hoshino Yuki Alice(Arisu) "Yu"/"Risu"
Yuki is the main OC for Durarara!!, and then StarrySky. Her first love/crush was Kida Masaomi (but seeing how he is in a happy relationship with his girrlfriend Saki...), she moved on (or moved to Seigetsu High)...and the authores has yet to decide who her designated partner would be. It's either Suzuya or Kazuki. Or if you want angsting drama, maybe Iku.
  • Action Girl: Is a very active, fight-friendly girl, who prefers to use her violence to hide her embarrassment and to act all tough.
  • All Love is Unrequited: Her first love Kida Masaomi. Though there are hints they could have been a couple, Saki's existence and his feelinsg for her make it nigh impossible. And because Yuki chose to never tell him, as well as not fighting for him at all, it's partly also I Want My Beloved To be Happy.
  • All Of The Other Reindeer: Partly. Because she is half-Japanese only and her British blood gave her uncanny red hair and green eyes, she could end up like this. The actualy reason why people shun her is her brash, tomboyish, unnecessarily violent character.
  • An Ice Person: Meta-Version of her is the Witch of Crystal...in fact, meaning she can solidify any liquid.  Her prefered usage of ice however makes her this.
  • Beneath The Mask: ...is a very insecure, moe, timid girl with TERRIBLE inferiority complexes.
  • Bloody Murder: Can use her own blood and blood of others as weapon in the Meta-World. Usually solidifying the liquid she makes daggers and makeshift spikes out of them. But usually it's against her ethics to use blood of living beings that isn't her own, so her usage is indeed limited.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Half-British (father's side) and half-Japanese (mother's side)
  • Character Development: Over time she would turn from an insufferable Tsundere to a...less insufferable one. The authoress plans so at least... 
  • Closet Pervert (the trope, that doesn't seem to exist yet): Totally. You don't know how many yaoi, yuri and hentai games she has played already, or how many yaoi and hentai manga she owns, hidden safely somwehre only she knows where it is.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Present her with anything cute, moe or nosebleed-worthy.
  • Deadpan Snarker: If not being tsuntsun, she snarks in a deadpan fashion at everyone, herself included. 
  • Does Not Like Men: Not very much. Thinks they are out to challenge her, to tell her it's not okay for a girl to be like her (y'know, tomboy), to tease her (and her lack of feminity), to be jerks in general and so on and so forth.
  • Dojikko: Sometimes. Luckily not prominently. 
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me: She'd feel weak and useless. And she hates feeling like that. Try if you want, if you are suicidal. 
  • Friendless Background:  It's difficult to approach her and she doesn't like to approach others. Add to that her loner-tendencies...
  • Gamer Chick: Loves her games, game consoles and merchandises. All-nighters are usually pulled to play these or listen to Drama CDs, watching anime, reading manga...soemthing like that.
  • Green-eyed Redhead: Stems from her British blood, her red hair at least (interestingly enough, while she is passionate (tsutsun), she is also an icy person...talk about paradoxes), her green eyes...were just a nice contrast and because Arthur (APH's Greta Britain) has green eyes, too...
  • Grudging Thank You: She'd abuse this trope a lot if there is a situation she would have to thank someone in general since she seems to dislike most males and some females in the world. 
  • Headphones Equal Isolation: Whenever she puts on her earphones. Which is a lot of times.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: Overlaps with Jerk With A Heart Of Gold. She isn't half as mean as she usually acts when you don't give her a reaosn to be a jerk and when she is in the right mood/atmosphere/setting/moment.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: The entire reason why she acts like a little tsundere jerk. Her lack of family love, her lack of friends, her desire to be independent and strong while not quite failing but not quite achieving that causes her to doubt herself terribly. 
  • Ice Queen: Generally thinks she has to prove herself to the entire world.
  • Jerkass Woobie: She has a reason why she acts so jerky, really. Even if it isn't that depressive, it's a fairly realistic flaw she tries to cover here.
  • Loners are Freaks: It is interesting to note that because she thinks she can do everything on her own she is alone per choice - but even if not, she would be shunned, anyway.
  • Making a Splash: Meta-World - Her primary attribute is water, or any liquid she knows about well enough to control. She just often chooses to crystallize it to ice.
  • Otaku: A closet variation. Or rather, she doesn't outright show it, it's just her hobby and part of her life. 
  • Meaningful Name: 'Yuki' indeed shoudl mean 'snow' as fitting to her ice attribute and slightly icy attitude. 'Alice' might refer to 'Alice in Wonderland', since she might be just as lost in teh maze of life as Alice is in Wonderland. Hoshino (her stepfather's name that she got after her mother remarrying) could mean 'star' and is only meaningful in the Starry Sky franchise. Her mother's surname, Hikari, that she prefers using especially in the Meta-World is a small hint to her Expy Hikari (see below).
  • Pettanko: Resulting in A-Cup-Angst ever once in a while. 
  • Straw Feminist: Not really, girls will have difficulties approaching her as well (that is if they actually decide to approach her which is kind of rare, given her unlady-like attitude or temper), but Yuki herself is definitely less-difficult with other girls and decidedly nicer (barely but it's there) to girls than boys. But she does like to think boys SHOULD NOT UNDERESTIMATE GIRLS (to be fair, she thinks weak girls should become somewhat stronger for everyone's sake).
  • Tomboy: Boy, is she ever. Doesn't dislike girly stuff per se, but prefers not being the girlish archetype.
  •  ...
Shirou Chiharu "Chi"
Chi was created very suddenly (aka pulled outta my butt) for an RP with a friend of mine for Aphorism, the manga that seriously needs more love!
  • Action Girl: Well, she is usually a quiet one, a calmer one who uses her head, as in, her mental powers to fight but isn't shy on using her martial art when needed. She lieks to call herself Hinata's Knight to top things...
  • All Love Is Unrequited: She ends up crushing on Hinata over the time. Not that he notcies or cares, as it seems...(Seeing as it is a RP to satisfy each other's secret wishes, Chi got together with him in the end, but still...xD)
  • Angst? What Angst?: Apparently. When she drops her cheerful act one realizes she has been acting all along and she is angsting a lot, she doesn't let anyone know, though.
  • Beneath The Mask: ...is an insecure, or just very, very tired, stoic girl, who has seen moer dark than light things in her life. 
  • Break The Cutie: Her childhood wasn't rosy. Her father was a bastard, her mother was only a child herself, her little brother wasn't allowed to live past his age of four or five...and then she headed into the yakuza, which wasn't kind to her, either, but at least less restricted. needless to say, her wobbie-status has a reason.
  • Butt Monkey: Angst-wise. She is about the only character of Celes' collection that angsts this much to the point of ridicule (in Celes' eyes).  Chi probably hates her so much for that. Celes is (in a suicidal way) amused, naturally. 
  • Dark and Troubled Past: ...yeah. She is the poster-girl amongst this cast. You can sum up her past as very crappy. Chi being a product of a little girl and her pedophile step-father, check. No love (because her mother really didn't know what to do with her, being an unwanted child and all), check. A cute little bother (also an unwanted product) who was beat to death by his father while innocently trying to defend his big sis from being raped by said bastard father, check. Mother committing suicide shortly before that (resulting in the father switching to the duaghter, really), check. Accidentally murdering the father after snapping at the brother's death, check. Running away and ending with the mafia, check. Doing spywork to survive in that world, seeing thousands of things a girl her age shouldn't, check. Finding a very kind and nice person who'd becoem her guardian, only for him to die after a while and leave her alone in thsi world, check. Putting up a mask to appear fine and cheerful really was a result from this dark and troubled past, but see how well that turned out...
  • Deadpan Snarker: Completely with being a Kuudere/Stoic
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me: A milder version than Yuki but pretty independent and  hating to appear weak as well.
  • Driven To Suicide: Not her but her mother, who couldn't take the constant rape and hide-in-the-home with two unwanted children anymore. She ran away, into the embracing arms of death. Chi both feels guilty for not being able to help her and resents her for it, thus resents the option of suicide in general.
  • Empty Shell: Not really (or not yet) but could slips dangerously close to becoming this if the wrong things happen in that school. Could get to the Broken Bird territory along with this played straight if...if the RP(meaning Celes and her friend) decides to hate her and give her along with that other OC angsting material. (What IF...she did not kill her dad. If she pushed him down, he fell badly, she failed at checking his pulse and assumed him dead, ran away and got falde information from the yakuza she asked and stayed with? What if her dad recovered well in the hospital and started working inconscpicuosly ...for the government, specifically for the board of the Naraka High and would get sent to the school for inspection and...well, there the drama woudl start. It's ridiculously angsty and Celes is amused? xD)
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: Twice. First she cuts her longer getting hair and dyes it it blond (which was her mother's hair color), then after something happens in Naraka High (authoress' isn't sure what; the RP with her friend has some issues with group 4 as the reason) she dyes her hair back to her dark original hair color.
  • Genki Girl: Prior dropping her mask. She acts genki because of a caretaker of her teaching her to smile, even if it isn't a real smile yet, it could become one in future. Sadly, it didn't work. She could revert back to her genkiness if needed but it will always be a mask only because she hasn't learend how to be genki honestly yet.
  • Hates Being Touched: It was worse when she ran away from her home (her caretaker experienced this trope first hand). When she entered Naraka High it toned down considerably but it never entirrely disappeared yet.
  • Hidden Depths: Hinata gets hints of this when the ever-so-cheerful Chi (at the beginning) hinted that she might be a Stepford Smiler and that she does this partly to make others underestimate her. (Of course it's more than just that.)
  • Kuudere: She actually has no problems showing emotions once or twice, she smiles and laughs occassionally (the latter is rare, however) but once her mask drops she really prefers to be blank and emotionless. Shutting away her feelings and emotions after her dark past, y'know?
  • Meaningful Name: The 'chi' in Chiharu could be written as blood. Interestingly enough, Hinata's seal Wisdom is also pronounced as 'chi' (pure coincidence, however, the authoress swears!), 'haru' of course is spring, and 'chiharu' in all usually is written as 'thousands of springs' or something; referring to maybe her slightly unstable but existing willpower to live, new beginnings all.
  • Naive Newcomer: She quit the yakuza (and yes, she somehow could do that), deciding it was time to graduate from a public/private school after being yakuza home tutored. Naraka High didn't sound bad (and it would give her a solid future career away from the illegal stuff) and for some reason she did see that odd island. She did not now she would run from one hell into the next head on.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Genki Girl Mask that sometimes make her appear like a Cloud Cukoo Lander serves for this amongst others.
  • Odd Friendship: It's not actually friendship, per se, but Izuru and Chiharu have to work together at some point or another in the RP-plot because of some circumstances (RP-wise it's the friend's OC's misery that forces those two together). They hate it. They'd rather kill each other but for the sake of that third person they still have to.
  • Psychic Powers: Her chosen seal characteris 'kokoro', which she interprets as 'mind' and this uses her seal for psychic abilities. Like telekinesis and telepathic links.
  • The Stoic: Underneath her cheerful mask.
  • Stoic Woobie: She was designed to be a woobie...who refuses to show she is a woobie if possible. Doesn't always work, but don't mention that to her.
  • Tranquil Fury: You shouldn't anger her. If you don't, she has no reason to become this. If you do, then good luck. Slightly subverted as she gets SO close to killing Izuru and tehn does not...and tehn is afraid of herself killing anyone. Afraid of her tranquil fury. Afraid of losing control.
  • What is This Thing You Call Love: Since she never experienced love until her caretaker showed her what family love could be. Then slightly at the beginning when she feels oddly concerned over Hinata or sad over his imaginary death in one Eclipse, she has no idea why she feels like this or what this means. At some point however she figures it out herself - that is MUST be what people would call crush or love. Not that it helps her.
  • Yakuza: Or some sort of equivalent of that, she was part of one as spy/thief and hencheman.
  • ...
Ushiromiya Tsukiyo Luna
One part of a female twin pair. And yes, she is part of the infamous Ushiromiya family of When They Cry's Umineko no Naku Koro Ni.
  • Action Girl: Really subverts this trope at first, then double subverts it. As in, she does look liek a healthy girl and because her sister is rather active, one expects her to be, too. She is not. Or APPEARS not to be, being all noble and elegant. And when the situation calls for it, she kicks ass, or worse.
  • Ax Crazy: And in real When They Cry Fashion (Rena and Kanon) it's a cleaver when she's going crazy. 
  • Daddy's Girl: Actually, her dad loves the twins equally, it's just that she would like to think of herself as something special to her dad. She however loves her father unconditionally, a fact that stems from the other dimensions, in which she was another man's daughter and in which her actual father was her cousin.
  • Genki Girl: Occassionally. She can be...eccentric. Less hyperactive, more eccentric.
  • Incest Is Relative:  She really, really likes her younger twin sister. And her cousins. (Which are, in the actual dimension her aunts and uncle, but whatever.) One really squicky fact is that one of her cousins in all the other dimensions is her father in the real, final dimension (Ushiromiya Battler). In the authoress' worksafe mind it doesn't go beyond Daddy's Little girl version...
  • Katanas Are Just Better: What she practises.
  • Screw the Rules, I have Money: Yes. Yes. Yes. When she is acting the haughty rich bitch role (which she does out of fun most of the times), she likes to flaunt with her family's riches and their power and reputation.
  • Yangire: Very. She has an entire torture chamber for herself. There are hints however that she doesn't enjoy it as much as she appears to be. 
  • ... 

Ushiromiya Tsubasa Stella
The other half of the Ushiromiya twins. She however is active in the Katekyoushi Hitman Reborn! franchise.
  • Action Girl: She IS part of teh mafia....and a sniper, and, well, Vongola.
  • Genki Girl: Not too genki, mind you, but definitely more cheerful and naive than her twin sister.
  • Girls with Guns: Sometimes also Small Girl Big Gun. Fact is, her prefered weapon of choiceare guns, or anything she can aim and shoot with.
  • Plucky Girl: Sort of.
  • ...
Axis Powers Hetalia OC, the Moe Anthro...something of the sky.
  • Blow You Away: Meta World - Her element is air/wind. Because she is the personification of the sky and the Witch of Sky.
  • Kuudere: Through less so when she interacts with other Kuudere-nations, like Norway or Hong Kong, there she reverts to a stoid tsundere, oddly.
  • Razor Wind: Meta World - Since she uses wind (fittingly to her sky element), she uses those attacks if necessary. She IS the Witch of Sky, thus her element is air and wind.
  • ...

Umino Hikari
Another Aphorism OC, pulled out of the authoress' butt on some day to RP with another friend (because authoress wanted to RP Apho so badly, just with another premise as with the one friend she was currently playing with), that other friend is fixated on Hinata and thus my OC had to be paired up with another. So not to make Chi a total slut by pairing her up with more than one or two people (potetially speaking), authoress made up a completely new character...for Izuru. It was either Mino or Izuru and Izuru is just more drama-worthy...*hides from a certain RP friend*
Hikari was a neighbor of the Tomonaga until she moved away, shortly after Satoshi's supposed call home and anfter Izuru gave her the cryptic message that Satoshi already died. Some years later she befriends Ryo and when at some afternoon the girl disappears again to her aunt, Hikari follows her and sees the horror of a human dumping site. Getting a glimpse of Izuru, to her surprise, she confronts Ryo at some point, who tells her what Izuru is doing and that he and her plan to enrol on Naraka High. Thus, Hikari enrols, too, unaware of how much Izuru has changed - but desperately trying to understand him, nevertheless.
  • Action Girl: But of course. Tomboy and all.
  • A-Cup-Angst: Just a tiny wee bit less than Yuki. Doesn't help that Izuru once compared her to Chisato of their group. Not a nice thing to do, luckily Hikari isn't THAT mcuheaffected...mostyl.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Thinks her crush on Izuru is fruitless, anyway, seeing how he trusts Ryo more than her, as well as Ryo being able to trust Izuru more than she does. Subverted later as they do get together (in the RP, mind you.)
  • Eyes Of Gold: Slightly mischievous, but not a too prominent trait.
  • Brainy Brunette: Well, auburn-copper-ish brunette. She isn't a genius or top of all classes, but she is somewhere up there. She is this to Izuru when they were children because for some reason Izuru's mother wanted her to tutor him in the year Satoshi was gone. Now in Naraka High she takes it upon herself to tutor Izuru because while he is not dumb, he did miss the last several years of school searching for his brother's remains...
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Plus Mood Whiplash; in one moment Izuru and her are talking about the past, especially Izuru's brother Satoshi, then Hikari gets somewhat sentimental and weak, and then the sweet moment where Izuru indirectly and then directly asks her to marry him if they survive that school.
  • Expy: Of Yuki. Partly in character, pretty much in appearance. She just has longer hair, slightly curlier ends, browner hair, goldener eyes...but basically could have been Yuki with longer, dyed hair, contact lenses and a mellowed down personality. Yes, Celes was just too damn lazy to make up a completely new character, and Celes is ridiculously fond of Yuki, taht is.
  • Neutral Good: She is mostly for justice and has morals she grew up with, thus she doesn't feel well when Izuru break those morals she believes in. And yet she cares for him too much. Whcih lead to her mix of being  Neutral Good, Chaotic Good and Lawful neutral. Yeah, it's complicated.
  • Making A Splash: Her chosen character for her seal is the elemental 'mizu', water, because ever since small she has loved water, always dreaming of controlling it like in some magical girl series. Well, actually she believes in its cleansing, calming, flowing nature.
  • Meaningful Name: Hikari, for once, is pronounced the same as Yuki's one surname.  Umino contain's the character 'umi' for ocean.
  • Pettanko: Not the bustiest character, mind you, but slightly less angsting over them than Yuki. 
  • Plucky Girl: She refuses to break down on all that horror. As much as she hates it, she somehow manages to retain her sanity and a stable mind.
  • Precocious Crush: On Izuru's big brother Satoshi. She outgrew it, after all, he also died early on (and found out who she was REALLY crushing on - the better-looking younger brother! xD Funnily, Izuru is more than one year younger than her, so in case he also has a crush on her (hinted but never confirmed so far...becasue authoress is still figuring out their background intertwinement), he has a tiny version of a precocious crush, too).
  • Tomboy: Definitely not girly. It has been bugging her in the past however, whenever Izuru has remarked something like that.
  • Tsundere: Slightly less than Yuki but she was especially tsuntsun to Izuru in the past. That is not to say she isn't in Naraka High but because of how Izuru is, she often has to refrain from being tsuntsun to not anger him (which in return frustrates her that she cannot trust him like in the past anymore). Now she is mostly tsun when Izuru teases her.

Seirya Ashdoa
The OC for Gundam Seed/Destiny. A nice genuis with a huge crush on Athrun. No, not crush, it's flat-out love.
  • Improbable Age: Is a genius in gundam/mobile suit engineering at the age of 15, even being one of the main engineerer in building the Gundam series in Seed/Destiny. In the Meta-World, or in an Alternative Universe, where there is no raging space war, she is the founder and owner and CEO of HaloSystems, an original software-computer-and-games company at the tender age of 18/19 and while studying at the university she also manages the company along with Athrun, who is a co-CEO.
  • Magical Computer: Owns some, makes some, creates some when they weren't before.
  • Meganekko: Usually sports a pair of glasses. She uses contact lenses when in a Gundam/Mobile Suit, but her glasses are her trademark.
  • Buxom Is Better: After suffering through flatchestedness in her teenage years, while she became legal she also was blessed with a wonderful boob size. Ironically as she becomes older, she is less interested in becoming more feminine and is more annoyed of them than anything else.
  • Playful Hacker: Flipflops between this and a Cracker, depending on what is needed. In other words, she is very good at hacking and programming.
  • Screw The Rules, I Have Money: Doesn't really use this trope but because HaloSystems is very successful, she has enough money to do this if the need arises. (And usually it does, in the form of the other OCs. Let's just say thanks to her the other OCs usually don't have money problems if it ever came to that.)

Hoshino Shion Mizuno
Another OC for Starry Sky and technically even more of an Expy of Arisu Yuki than Hikari is. But differs in personality the most from Yuki of the two. Best partnered up with Iku, though has dynamics with Tsubasa as well, as the RP revealed xD
  • Brilliant but Lazy: Oh so much. She could do well in school and have less detention or reprimanding words from teachers if she wasn't so lazy. 
  • Expy: Appearance-wise, she is like Yuki, only with rose-colored hair and darker green eyes and a different default hairstyle. That and her butterfly motif. But their personalities are quite deviate.
  • Magical Computer: Probably possesses one. Or can make computers act that way xD
  • Moe: In her deredere moments. So very much. 
  • Meaningful Name: Only Mizu = Water, hinting her expiness to Yuki.
  • Rose-Haired Girl: She sometimes treads into the Genki Girl territory, so it's justified.
  • Playful Hacker: Never intends any harm if she does get into hacking.
  • Rapid-Fire Typing: So what, it's good, you need it as hacker and...she just can do it 8D
  • Tsundere: Slightly. Whenever with Iku, she can flipflop between tsuntsun and deredere. It doesn't help that she has some complexes about herself, and Iku's playfulness does the rest. In other moments she can be incredibly sweet and moe.

Inoue Mayu
Second OC for Aphorism and partnered up with Hirosue/Uruma. For teh lulz. Okay, for RP purpose, but still...
Her past is a bit fo a mystery, though that may be because so little is know about Uruma and she is somehow tied to him.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Part of her social awkwardness. She is pretty blunt and direct, although she is often embarrassed over her own sharp tongue.
  • Don't Look At Me: She'd rather not be noticed. She wants to watch others, not the other way around.
  • Lawful Neutral - Neutral Good: Depends. She flipflops a bit between those.
  • Lumiscent Blush: It's more embarrassment than meant romantically.
  • Moe: Her reluctant, socially awkward shyness sure gives off that feeling. And since she is prome to blushing...
  • Master of Illusion: Her seal is "illusion/sekkaku", it operates like the Mist power of Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Her imagination is vivid and strong enough for this power to be rather helpful, may it be throwing various illusionary objects against her opponents, to create a weapon of her choice to fight with it or to hide herself behind illusions (her most favorite way of dealing, it goes will with her shy demeanor). Also, kind of subverted because she is, or doesn't think she is villaious.
  • Meaningful Name: Not really (a rarity with Celes~). Only Mayu can be translated as  'true', ironically to her illusions, and 'evening'.
  • No Social Skills: Can you tell? Her only friend, and it's debatable if she would call him friend and vice-versa, is Uruma, and only because they know each other for a while. The other potential one would be her classmate Mino, but only because he treats her nicely, normally, and because she'd rather go to him to ask about something related to school opr Eclipses than the Izuru-obsessed girls in her class.
  • Peek-A-Bangs: Goes well with her shyness and social awkwardness.
  • Shy Blue-haired Girl: It's actually black, but could be dark-blue as well...
  • Shrinking Violet: Very slightly. If it comes to romance or friendship, she would rather disappear in teh ground, after letting loose some snarky, wity remark, probably.
  • The Snark Knight: Hm, she isn't nice to anyone, including herself.
  • The Stoic: Has shades of this when she isn't blushing and avoiding everyone. Goes hand in hand Deadpan Snarker.
Kiyomizu Hotaru
Natsume Yuujinchou, anyone? This is the Mary-Sue-ish kind of character Celes created yet again (on purpose, funnily she likes her to soem extends) for a RP-series and it's fun to make fun of OCs 8D What about her...she is from a family from that town Natsume lives in now and her family is tied to the Exorcism Association, having connections to the Matoba and Natori clans. So, girl is rebellious and despite having a few spiritual skills that would make her a fine exorcist, she rather goes into the city to college and such. Parents are angry and decide to engage her to....Matoba Seiji, who accepts because, well, it's less work to find a sprouse to continue his clan's blood or something. Too bad Hotaru is still rebellious, not to mention in love with Natori Shuuichi. Oh yes, the love triangles....

  • Action Girl: Could be, seeing how she practises kendo.
  • Arranged Marriage:  Well, engagement for now but it would lead to that eventually. Hotaru protests. Seiji couldn't care less (and even is kind of protective for reasons Hotaru cannot fathom) and RP's gonna show where this is leading.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Quite. It's part of her sacrastic, blunt, but easy-going nature.
  • Genki Girl: Borderline case. She is cheerful when needed or when hating the bad mood, but she is more easy-going that utterly cheerful. Ties a bit to Plucky girl. She is stubborn and wants to keep her easygoing, independent, mildly rebellious nature, natch. That's why the engagement irks her.
  • Katanas are Just Better: It's more of an Informed Ability right now but she is quite a good kendo-ka. If only she could see her opponents, when it's ayakashi, that is.
  • Mary Sue: Lesse...she is someone with the power to see ayakashi...when touching someone who has the power to see ayakashi. She has some spiritual powers. She is tied to two men (and is that famous-cliche I-am-not-in-love-with-your-fame kind of girl to Shuuichi). She isn't that active and sometimes ends up as damsel in distress. Erm...not THAT Mary-Sue-ish but has strong shades. Also, Parody Sue, Celes likes to pick on her characters constantly. Oh yes~
  • Meaningful Name: ...Celes forgot what Kiyomizu meant, but Hotaru means 'firefly'. Maybe her spiritual powers came from a firefly ayakashi who once mixed its bood with her family. Or something.
  • Oblivious to Love: She is too dense to notice RPG!Shuuichi is in love with her....and thus, she wasn't that opposed to Seiji semi-raping her (yes, Mary-Sue-with-drama-potential-and-stuff 8D); then again, it might be that he might really like her and if so, she might be on her way of falling for him.
  • Tomboy: Well, she is somewhere between a tomboy and a girly girl. She isn't against girly clothes and does wear them, but really isn't the tyoe to wear flashy stuff if not for something like a party. And she really doesn't mind baggy clotehs, eitehr because tehy are comfortable to move in and that way she could kick ass if needed.
  • Two Guys And A Girl: ...technically. It's like this; Hotaru knows both Seji and Shuuichi from her childhood already. She is a few years younger than the two but they are something like seperate childhood friends.
  • Tsundere: A tiny little bit. She isn't that nice to Seiji, leaning for to tsuntsun with him and is more deredere with Shuuichi, but not exclusively. She is kind fo brash and genki, after all.
Fukuoka Yoru
Resident yandere posterboy in Celes' OC-Shrine. MALE, to boot. A charming, intelligent, playfully polite but terribly obsessive and, well, yandere teenage boy. For Celes' friend's OC Azuru. Meaning he is from Aphorism, class 3 (or was it 2?), and his seal is handcuff/bonds. (Celes' Kana/Kanji app displayed it to her and she took it xD)
In the meta-world or in some alternative universe, he could be Yuki's stepbrother, being the son of teh man who woudl marry Yuki's mother, although he resumed his deceased mother's surname as he lived with his grandparents instead of his fatehr, mostly. or...something.
  • Axe Crazy: Don't piss him off. really. He knows some of his yandere limits, but when he snaps, he SNAPS. Even with the girl he loves. It'll get really, really painful... 
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He is really a nice, kind guy usually when not yanyanyan. Polite and helpful, charming and almost plain. And then he goes yanyanyanyandere....
  • Brainy Brunette: Has brown hair and an otherwise rather normal handsome face, nothing special. He makes up with his witty charm and politeness, when he isn't going yanyanyandere.
  • Entitled to have You: Regarding Azuru. He is a mix of Type A and Type B. He thinks he is the only worthy one to be with her, he thinsk he exists solely for her. And he thinks because his love to Azuru is bottomless, she can only love him, too and thus thinks only he may and will have Azuru. Poor freak.
  • I have you now, my pretty: Hey, he really used the time he first got hand on Azuru. It wasn't attempted rape anymore, it was full-blown rape. Because, because, he is yandere. A sexy, lustful yandere. Or because the RP was a lot about smut at that time. xD
  • Meaningful Name: Uh, well, Celes learned, that ぞる could be written as 'night' in kanji (夜). So, it COULD be how his name is written.
  • Stalker With a Crush: He was stalking Azuru and finding out so much about her that it's scary (well, he is yandere...), for the sake of loving her.
  • Yandere: He is obsessed with wanting to love and posessing Azuru, Celes' friend's (Eden, so from now on we call her Eden~), stalking her and knowing about everything there is to know about that girl. Including that she was raped by her twin brother...and soem others...and stuff. Yeah, he is serious.

[To Be Continued]
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