Thursday, April 5, 2012

30 Challenge from tumblr

~Sea of Twilight~

Uhn, yeah, I haven't done anything for a long while. My stories I should continue haven't been continued, instead I am on a Finnick Odair RI-trip after finishing the books.n (You know, The Hunger Games.) Have yet to watch the movie but hey, I am happy I finished all three books in a few days and can get off the high. ...or I hope I get off the high. That's why I start doing the 30 days challenge from tumblr, but I don't want to spam my followers with too much Hunger games stuff, so what's more perfect than having a personal blogger blog?

Day 1: Your favorite character:

Of the females? Johanna Mason is like awesome and snarky and I LOVE HER ASDFGHJKL. Rue comes to a close second along with Katniss, even if Katniss has been going on my nerves for a while but she is pretty funny in her narration, too~ And Effie has a special place in my heart, aaaah~)

Of the males? You know, it took long, very, very long for me to realize who I like. Because for the longest time I just had no real male favorite. It of course went between Peeta, Gale and Finnick (Cinna always has a special place in my heart, natch; oh, and also, Haymitch). Peeta sometimes is way too nice for my liking and sometimes also way too weak for being the nice guy. Gale in return was sometimes too extreme. Oh, and both were too fixated on Katniss. And I am a sucker for canon, I cannot just like someone without feeling guilty. Yep, I am strange.

And then, somewhere in the third book I realized I always smiled and was happy when Finnick was only mentioned. When I realized I slapped myself. GOSH DARN IT HOW SILLY IS THAT? I was deliberately trying to steer clear of him, since he is everyone's favorite and I just hate going with mainstream and he is the most mainstream out of all three boys, fml. Then his backstory with the Capitol came and that didn't help matters and asdfghjkl stupid booooy. So yeah, I give up, it's Finnick Odair, followed by Peeta somewhere far behind. But still, i ship FinnickAnnie hard. I make a novel out of an answer to a simple question...

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