Tuesday, September 20, 2011

And Celestie fails at drawing the essential stuff

~Sea of Twilight~

So, yesterday my chat-RP-friend Haru offered to draw one of my OCs with her, uhm, 'partner' from the RP we are playing (Aphorism; and the partner is Hinata, just as a side-note, which makes it my OC Chiharu *points to OC Shrine xD*), then it somehow turned into an art-trade and I sat there, trying to draw Tobari and Izuru (the potential partners for her OC in our RP)...and failed epically.
Also, the prompt was WEDDING. ...so I googled wedding dresses and tuxedos. I also failed spectacularly with the tuxedos, the dress is...meh.
I first sketched it on a paper. And left the hands vague on purpose because I also forever fail at hands. That's why, now that I inked it digitally teh hands are....interesting.

Oh. And I like the rose in Izuru's breast pocket xD I didn't have internet at my PC where I have my PT SAI and my graphic tablet, so I used my phone's WLAN to find some rose tutorial. Didn't reallyfind any, but luckily the tip I found was helpful enoughto make...a crappy rose, but I am pretty proud xDDD

...though I also fail epically at draing my friend's OC. It would look more like her (everyone would look more like them) if I colored it but like hell I will color it now, it hates me, Izuru hates me; ahhhhhhhhhhhhh TAT

But-but...I need to draw bishie males much, much more. Bishies and poses and hands. Bleeeeeeh, I can't draw the essential stuff. *sobs*

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