Monday, July 18, 2011

Celestie is sick - and received her Dengeki GS July~

~Sea of Twilight~

 Oh god, I feel like shit right now. Ever since yesterday evening I have been feeling like shit, so... It's probably because from Saturday night to Sunday morning I was out partying and from the clubs to the car it was a five minutes walk through the rain....and afterwards I didn't sleep and by the end of Sunday, after the Women's World Cup I was weak, tired, cold and my entire body was hurting.

So at 3am I woke up having ague/shiver/chills or however you call that in English. Taking painkiller pills, I went to sleep and woke up with fever, aching body, horrible heachache and generally the horrible feeling of being sick. ...the fever is down now but the headcahe remains, occassionalyl I feel nauseating and almost constantly feel izzy and weak...argh, I hate being sick ;_;

But then it made my day - my copy of Dengeki Girl's Style July 2011 I ordered from JBox just arrived! I am sad that there is only one small poster of Starry Sky, but that's okay, because there are so many pages featuring StaSky~ I can't wait until I actually read and understand what they are writing there...!

Also, all those awesome otome games. I need to play them all ocne I get the chance to understand them!

Okay, that done, i think I need to sleep now. let's hope I feel better by tomorrow... ;_;

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