Tuesday, November 1, 2011

...more random stuff. About SutaSuka this time...

~Sea of Twilight~

Or how I like to shorten StarrySky "StaSky" 'cause I am lazy. So. So. I want to buy ~After Winter~ LE at some point. And I still swoon over Kazuaki's art, so, yeah, I am forever going to stall for new official art...AND THEN. AFTER TEARS OF THE POLESTAR IS DONE NOW (I kidna forgot about it, though TAT), WHAT IS THERE TO EXPECT OTHER THAN ~AFTER WINTER~?

I saw the ads (on honeybee's Starry Sky page and on Pixiv) and had to click. Sadly I don't understand anything other than...animate and something? Probably extras Animate is giving or selling or something? Sadly. SADLY, I dunno anything. And can't understand those. Kanji. And stuff. And. ARGH. BUT THAT ART, I swear, this is new art. Isn't it? SO HAWT. EVERYONE. ACK. I WANT, NEED THESE. If there's a poster with them at some point, I AM SO BUYING THAT <3

Okay, done ranting. Nnnnnnnnng, why do I love this series although the games are so boring? Oh, right, Kazuaki's awesome art that gives us hawt, haaaawt bishies~

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