Sunday, January 1, 2012

And it's 2012...

~Sea of Twilight~

And the world will end this year. Or something like this, we'll see. I just heard Japan had an earthquake on New Years Day, just great, I hope that's no bad omen xD

Also, my host family received the package of sweets just today (1月1日2012年) and just sent me a mail. Aww, I am glad it arrived at their place on New Years~ and asdfghjkl they say my Japanese is good, I just wrote what my professor told us and stuff and ahhhh xDDDD

Anyway, happy new year, everyone, whoever stumbles across this random useless trivial blog post of mine~

I have no resolutions this year, I just have to calculate how much money I am spending the following two months on an iPod touch, a PSP, THE SEIYUU ALARM CLOCK OF YUCCHI/YUSA KOUJI, Natsume Yuujinchou DVDs, Mawaru Penguindrum DVDs, a few magazines and the Natsume Voice Mascots.....AHAHAHAHAHA /shot

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