Thursday, December 29, 2011


~Sea of Twilight~

Mom comes home and one of her first words (which are always, really ALWAYS complaints): "Why didn't your younger sisters do anything?! Why can't you tell them anything?!"

Well, sorry, I tried, but I am not spending my entire day on yelling at them like you do for them to do something. If they don't do it after the nth time I tell them, it's their problem, I have my own life to take care of, too, even if it's mostly tumblr and Star Project and reading Amatsuki and being overly controlling of your kids and siblings will make them more spiteful and less independent, LOOK AT ME, MOM.

Her reply? "Ah yes, your way of raising kids is great, you have great results, right? That's why they always take you as example and don't do things."

Wait, since when did I become the secondary mother...?! AS IF YOUR WAYS OF RAISING KIDS HAVE BEEN ANY GOOD. And it's goddamnit not my fault they follow my example. I didn't choose to be their example, it's their fucking own choice when they do it, why is it always my fault?! Why do you make your and my life miserable by coming home and complaining and never seeing anything positively, never coming home with a smile or at least TRY to be a tad bit more positive?! I don't know how you survive day fro day, lade, you are pretty strong because I can't do that, I can't live like you and be depressive and sad and self-pitying and aggressive all the item, it is DESTROYING ME!

"You are crazy, so crazy and idiotic!"

Gee, right back at you! WHO IS AGGRAVATING ME, HUH?! Can't you just shut up? Can't you be less narrow-minded? Can you be less negative?! There are moments where I'd just want to kill myself just to spite you, just to show you what you are doing to your kids, just to shake you awake, MOTHER!

WEEEEELL, that's why this useless blog exists, I can vent off my frustrations by written words at no-one in particular (I can't and don't want to always bother my friends with m,y problems, ahaha....) and I still feel somewhat better afterwards. Sorry to those who stumble over this angry rant. Take cute Touya-kun (I star-named him Thario, so what?) here~

Ohh, Touya-puu, how I wish I could live in your world I am not even motivated to play or do anything productive GAAAAAH.

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