Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Random fact no...1?

~Sea of Twilight~

天羽翼 Amaha Tsubasa
...you have a very...boringly flashy name, boy.
天 sky
羽 feather
翼 wings
...somehow, I have the feeling you are trying to tell us something with such kanji in your name.

Yes, so we Aquarius like to be free, don't want to be tied down, yadda yadda (that's probably the reason why I haven't managed to have a decent relationship yet because I shy away right in the beginning /shot). But sky, feather and wings...it's like Ren Jinguji's surname that is written with god, palace and temple. Uh, huh.

I wonder if the other names have some hidden hint to their characters as well...?

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